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Leave a lasting legacy: give songbirds a future

September 11, 2024
George Bradley

As part of Remember a Charity Week, we are reflecting on the profound impact that legacies can have. Leaving a gift in your will to SongBird Survival is a powerful way to support our mission.  The income we receive from legacy gifts is truly transformational to us. Your gift will support SongBird Survival’s vital programme of research that will improve the future for songbirds. By including us in your will, you can make a lasting impact on the causes you care about and your contribution is a way of ensuring that your values and compassion live on.  

Over the past few months, some of our long-standing supporters have sadly passed away. Family members have contacted us to share with us how much they valued supporting SongBird Survival and why they have chosen SongBird Survival as beneficiaries of funeral collections and gifts in wills. 

We’ve enjoyed hearing stories from families remembering their loved ones:  Stephen and Shirley used to help us on exhibition stands at local shows; Patrick had been a member for over 20 years and we had regularly chatted about birds and wildlife; Carol had discussed bird care advice with us over Facebook;  and finally Gillian, who welcomed us to her beautiful garden to see her bird-friendly planting for food, shelter and nesting.  

Remember a Charity Week is the perfect time to consider how you can make a lasting difference. By including SongBird Survival in your will, you ensure that your love for nature and commitment to conservation live on and you can play a pivotal role in ensuring these beautiful creatures continue to thrive for generations to come.

Learn more about how to leave a gift in your will to SongBird Survival here

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