Gardening tips for March and April
Top gardening tips for March and April
Lead researcher Dr Cannelle Tassin de Montaigu shares her newest findings of pesticides being detected in birds nests.
Originally native to tropical climates, these vibrant green birds have spread rapidly across Europe and the UK
SongBird Survival's top tips to take care of your garden this January and February
Hints & tips to help your birds and other garden visitors this winter.
Weeds play a crucial role in supporting bird populations and wildlife.
Sofia explores the topic of migration for world migratory bird day.
Our songbirds fight the battle against a changing world by changing what nest materials they use and even where they nest.
As part of Remember a Charity Week, we are reflecting on the profound impact that legacies can have. Leaving a gift in your will to SongBird Survival is a powerful way to support our mission.
Why our songbirds moult and how you can help them
SBS top tips to take care of your garden this July and August
The focus of our scientific research going forward will look at 84 species, join us to discover what is so special about these 84 and what a songbird really is.
Sofia dives in to the research about the positive effects birdsong has on your mental health and her own thoughts on keeping connected to nature.
The BTO published the newest data in their 2023 BBS survey, SBS discusses the results and the trends for songbirds.
SBS top tips to take care of your garden this May and June
The Dawn Chorus is a wonder of nature but do you know why it exists and how our tiny songbirds can achieve such a grand cacophony?
Explore our 10 facts about swallows that might surprise you (and some that won't!).
Paddy tells us his top 6 ways to stop your cat hunting birds.
Emma Onyejekwe, a registered veterinary nurse, discusses the mental wellbeing of cats and how we can do right by both cats and wildlife.
We get the details on how the scientifically proven BirdsBeSafe collar can protect your birds from cat predation.
Jess Williams, regional behaviour officer at Cats Protection, shares her thoughts on puzzle feeding, training and play with cats,
SBS top tips to take care of your garden this March and April
Sarah Ellis, head of cat mental wellbeing and behaviour at iCatCare shares her thoughts on how playing with your cat can help cats and wildlife.
Dr Martina Cecchetti shares her expertise on all things cats, hunting and how to keep wildlife and cats safe.
Get to know Sue, Lisa and Sofia this month and get the lowdown on their favourite songbirds
Explore the magical world of literature with Sofia and her take on nightingales.
Explore our 10 facts about wrens that might surprise you (and some that won't!).
Get to know the team and a bit more about who we are and what our favourite songbirds are.
Explore the magical world of folklore with our summary of how robins have been represented through mythology and folklore for centuries.
Explore our 10 facts about robins that might surprise you (and some that won't!).
We take a look at some new research published in Nature Biodiversity which looks at what features in birds humans are most drawn to!
DEFRA shares new statistics on wild bird populations and we give tips on what you can do to improve your local bird populations.
SBS top tips to take care of your garden this winter.
Ringing a sand martin colony in Yorkshire
Our research and engagement manager talks about how she got a role in scientific research in a multi-part series sharing about her experience in data collection.
How to clean water baths and feeders to protect our feathered friends
SBS top tips for a thriving garden for birds this September.
We take a look at the world from a birds point of view, and discuss how birds see in UV and how this may help in their everyday lives.
We take a look at some new research published by the Max Planck institute which looks at broken wing displays in 52 different bird families, including some songbirds!
A new study shows pesticides and fertiliser have been linked to European bird decline
Gardens are known to be important for wildlife, including songbirds, and the management practices employed can play an important role.
Hello everyone and welcome to the new and improved SBS blog where we will discuss new and current events in the world of ornithology!
The impact of climate change is firmly on the global agenda, and we are at a make or break point.
If you are a member of the press or have any news you would like to dicuss with us, please contact us at
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