The Birdhouse Den

The Birdhouse structure in the centre of the garden features six bespoke pieces of artwork created especially for SongBird Survival and the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

Created by Cambridgeshire-based artist, Jeni Cairns, they are plasma cut from repurposed oil drums. The circular motifs depict six at-risk songbirds that are on the UK’s ‘red list’ for the biggest decline in numbers.

Featured Birds


Greenfinches are common in woodlands, farmland, and gardens where there are plenty of trees and bushes.


Starlings are widespread in the UK, occurring everywhere except for the most northern parts of Scotland.

House martin

House martins can be found across the UK during the warmer months, where they are a welcome sight and are often looked upon as a sign of summer being on its way.


Skylarks are a quintessential feature of our farmland and males can be seen flying vertically upwards and singing from great heights (up to 300m!) before descending back down.

Willow tit

The willow tit is a specialist of our wet forests, it thrives in young, damp woodland with old dead wood in which it excavates its nest.


Yellowhammers are birds of the open countryside, most often found in farmland and wooded areas.

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